source/Credit BY S. Dibaba
Ethiopia News Agency
The entire international community including the UN and its agencies, EU, the US, international financial magnets, renown international donor agencies are finding it difficult to make terrorist TPLF accountable to humanitarian crisis in Tigray but are ready to blame the government of Ethiopia which has expended more than 100 billion Birr covering 70 percent of th relief efforts in Tigray.
In the advent of the unilateral ceasefire declared by the government of Ethiopia, more than 400,000 quintals of food and huge amount of edible oil and supplementary food has been set aside for the people of Tigray. The government provided seeds and fertilizers before the farming season so that the farmers can till their lands using the peaceful situation created by the ceasefire but terrorist TPLF prevented the farmers from preparing their lands and started to recruit the youth, household heads, women and children for the unwarranted war against the Amhara and Afar regions of Ethiopia.
By turning the Afar Region into a region of total war in its attempt to chock the country from having access to the Port of Djibouti, terrorist TPLF blocked the needy people of Tigray from getting food. Despite all this none of the international organizations have dared to condemn terrorist TPLF for its heinous and outrageous action against its own kith and kin. A consortium of international media outlets including BBC, AFP, DW, Aljazeera, VOA and other rallied against Ethiopia falsely blaming the government for using hunger as a political weapon while the real perpetrator and culprit was terrorist TPLF.
All the more, terrorist TPLF forces looted and destroyed USAID and UNICEF warehouses in Tigray and Amhara regions and distributed the products to its terrorist fighters.
According to Mitiku Kassa, Commissioner for Disaster Risk Management Commission, in order to facilitate easy access of food to Tigray, the government has cut back 7 of the checkpoints into two and has been in full cooperation with the WFP and six other international non-governmental organizations operating on relief and rehabilitation programs in Tigray
The WFP and other international donor agencies are repeatedly complaining that out of the 446 heavy duty trucks that transported food to Tigray only 38 trucks are back. The WFP has contracted these trucks from individual transport companies and is expected to bring them back to the owners of the fleets. Besides the lives of the drivers of the trucks has been put at risk and there is no information about their whereabouts and what they are doing.
Video footages that recently came out have clearly showed that terrorist TPLF is using the trucks to transport its militia to the battle front for all to see. Apart from writing complaints over their twitter accounts, WFP and other UN agencies have deliberately kept silent from making terrorist TPLF accountable for its actions. Indeed they continued to blame the government of Ethiopia and wasted no time to facilitate to US actions of preparation for further sanctions on Ethiopia.
Blaming Ethiopia for everything under the sun related to the situation in Tigray has now become a fashion. Here it is important to site a contradictory propaganda by terrorist TPLF media outlets in which they blame the government for the hunger in Tigray but are also saying that the people of Tigray are preparing food stuff and takeaways for terrorist TPLF fighters.
How can the people of Tigray prepare food stuff for terrorist TPLF forces when more than 90 percent of the population are in urgent need of food aid for themselves? This shows that terrorist TPLF is using food propaganda as a tool for misinforming the international community which unfortunately swallows their propaganda with no care for verification.
The contradictions in current terrorist TPLF food politics emanates from its desire to show the international community that the population in Tigray are supporting their efforts and also as a means of seeking western pressure on Ethiopia to open a corridor in the western part of the country bordering with Sudan to siphon in arms and fighters into Tigray to further elongate the ongoing war.
The actual situation on the ground shows that terrorist TPLF is deliberately starving the population in Tigray for its propaganda war targeting Ethiopia. Besides, the western powers and their media companies are effectively commercializing on the hunger situation in Tigray.
With utter manifestation of racism and ethnic bias on the ever growing needy population that are ravaged by the pillage of the region, the international community and concerned UN systems are not providing adequate food supply for the populations in Amhara and Afar regions. Even for Tigray, despite their lamentations on the obstruction of food supply by Ethiopian government, they are not even providing the minimum food requirement for the needy population in the three regional states.
The bottom line is who is responsible for this entire crisis? Any person with a reasonable mindset could easily show that terrorist TPLF and its western allies are all responsible for their nonchalance and over politicization on the food needs of the populations and for playing a blame game on Ethiopian government.